Welcome to the website of ANCCE-Bélgica
ANCCE-Belgica was founded in 2000. It gathered many breeders of the two previously existing associations.
In 2001, it was officially approved by the Ministry of Agriculture in Belgium and by ANCCE-Spain in 2007 (Asociación Nacional de Caballos Criadores Pura Raza Española).
ANCCE-Bélgica, our non-profit association, was officially approved for the management of Herd Book (Libro Genealógico) PRE located in Belgium: identification of foals to obtain passports, change of ownership, valuation for the certificate of suitability for reproduction, identification DNA for identification and parentage control, etc. Its aim is also to promote the Pura Raza Española in Belgium and to organize an International Morphology and Functionality Competition each year in August.