Le Tribunal des Reproducteurs Qualifiés (TRC)

La confirmation basique (APTO) surmontée, les éleveurs peuvent, s’ils le désirent, présenter leur cheval pour une confirmation supplémentaire au Tribunal de Reproducteurs qualifiés (TRC) où sont annalysées les différents parties du corps et les allures.

Les conditions pour passer la confirmation comme Reproducteur Qualifié

  • Les mâles doivent mesurer plus de 1,55m au garrot  et les juments 1,53m.
  • Ils doivent obtenir une moyenne supérieure à 70 points sans qu’aucun juge ne lui donne moins de 5 points pour quelque région du corps que ce soit.
  • Passer un examen radiologique qui confirme qu’il n’a ni ostéochondrose, ni ostéopathie, etc.
  • Les mâles doivent passer un check-up de leur appareil reproducteur qui démontre qu’aucun défaut n’affectera sa reproduction ou soit héréditaire comme la monorchidie, la cryptorchidie, une hernie à l’aine ou au scrotum et autres. Ainsi qu’un spermogramme qui contrastera sa fertilité.
  • Les femelles doivent avoir mis bas au moins une fois ou être gestantes et passer une échographie de leur appareil reproducteur démontrant qu’elles ne souffrent d’aucune anomalie congénitale ou de défauts transmissibles.

Plus d’info:

TRC en Belgique

Si vous êtes interesé pour présenter votre cheval pour le TRC, n’hésitez pas de nous contacter.

  • TRC Belgique 2010

Breeding Stock Categories

Actuellement et depuis quelques années, a été mis en place un schéma de sélection du Cheval Pure Race Espagnole. Ce schéma de sélection fait apparaitre quelques catégories dans la reproduction de notre cheval après avoir passé une série d’épreuves et vérifié la transmission de caractéristiques a ses descendants qui sont: (Cliquez ici pour plus d’info)

groenReproductor Jóven Recomendado: JRR – Jeunes Reproducteurs Recommandés

  • en Aptitud Morfológica: Young Recommended Breeding Stock for Conformation
  • para la Doma Clásica: Young Recommended Breeding Stock for Dressage

Young Recommended Breeding Stock for Conformation:

For those horses registered in the Permanent Register of the PRE Stud Book, participants in the performance tests established in this Breeding Program, between 4 and 6 years of age and that have achieved genetic index for morphology for dressage exceeding that of 70 percent (the 30% of horses with the best genetic index). This percentage may be modified from time to time.  Likewise, these horses must be outstanding, individually, for their morphologic-functional aptitudes and have exceeded the reproductive and health requirements after undergoing a radiological study to rule out diseases such as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out reproductive abnormalities.  This category shall be applicable to horses aged 4, 5 and 6 years, on reaching the age of 7, they shall lose it.

Young Recommended Breeding Stock for Dressage:

For those horses that participate in the established performance tests (functional Dressage tests), between 4 and 6 years of age and that have achieved a genetic index for Dressage exceeding the population average. Horses must be able to demonstrate that their health and reproductive status complies with the mandates established by the Breeder Association after undergoing a radiological study to rule out diseases such as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out reproductive abnormalities. This category shall be available to horses aged 4, 5 and 6 years, on reaching the age of 7, they shall lose it.

roodReproductor Calificado: Qualified Breeding Stock

Une évaluation supplémentaire fait dans les Tribunaux de Reproducteurs Qualifiés (TRC) c’est possible après avoir obtenu le Certificat d’aptitude basique (APTO). Cette fois sont évalués les caractères morphologiques et de conduit, le mouvement, la fonctionnalité et l’aptitude à la selle. En même temps, aura lieu un contrôle vétérinaire pour détecter possibles pathologies transmissibles et évaluer des caractères reproductifs.

blauwReproductor Mejorante: Improver Breeding Stock

Improver Breeding Stock for Conformation Traits:

For breeding horses that are 7 years of age or older, that have already obtained a genetic index for conformation traits for Dressage that is above the herd average, with minimal reliability of 0.6 (repeatability) and that have sufficient descendants in the category as Young Recommended Breeding Stock, after undergoing a radiological study to rule out diseases such as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out reproductive abnormalities.

Improver Breeding Stock for Dressage:

For breeding horses that are 7 years of age or older, that have already obtained a genetic index for Dressage that exceeds the herd average, with minimal reliability of 0.6 (repeatability) and that have sufficient descendants in the category as Young Recommended Breeding Stock. Likewise, these horses must fulfill the conformation, reproductive and health requirements establsihed by the Breeder Association, after undergoing a radiological study to rule out diseases such as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out reproductive abnormalities. 

OranjeReproductor de Élite: Reproducteurs d’Elite

For those horses that are 7 years of age and older, which have achieved the category of Improver Breeding Stock for Morphology for Dressage and for Dressage.  In addition, they must fulfill the conformation, reproductive and health requirements establsihed by the Breeder Association, after undergoing a radiological study to rule out diseases such as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out reproductive abnormalities.

Moreover, the genetic categories for Young Recommended Breeding Stock and Improver Breeding Stock may be obtained by all those horses assessed genetically for other equestrian disciplines (Eventing, Show Jumping, etc.):

  • Horses between 4 and 6 years of age and that have obtained a genetic index for that      discipline that is greter than the herd average may obtain the genetic category as Young  Recommended Breeding Stock for a given discipline by participating in the performance  tests established for that discipline.  Horses must fulfill all reproductive and health  requirements establsihed by the Breeder Association, after undergoing a radiological study  to rule out diseases such as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out  reproductive abnormalities. This category shall be available to horses aged 4, 5 and 6 years,  on reaching the age of 7, they shall lose it.
  • Horses that are 7 years of age or older may obtain the genetic category of Improver  Breeding Stock for a given discipline upon obtaining a genetic index for that discipline that is  above the herd average, with a minimal reliability of 0.6 (repeatability), and that have  sufficient descendants in the category as Young Recommended Breeding Stock. Moreover,  said horses must fulfill all conformation, reproductive and health requirements as established  by the Breeder Association, after undergoing a radiological study to rule out diseases such  as osteochondrosis and reproductive organs screened to rule out reproductive  abnormalities.

Ermitaño III, Impaciente II et Utrerano VII

Catálogo de Reproductores de Pura Raza Española – Catalog of PRE breeding stock